

The next Brexit...

Craig Berry  - 19 December 2017

The path to ‘soft Brexit’ has now been firmly established. But the real disjuncture between the UK and the EU may be yet to come

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The making of a movement: who’s shaping Corbynism?

Christine Berry  - 18 December 2017

No leader, no ideology can come to power — and stay in power — alone. Who are the key thinkers, organisers and behind-the-scenes players shaping Corbynism, what does its future hold, and what does this mean for civil society?

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The geopolitics of African urban transformation

Tom Goodfellow  - 15 December 2017

Africa is undergoing an urban revolution which is taking place in the context of a sea change in global geopolitics

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Budget 2017: Facilitating Homeownership to build political support

James Wood  - 11 December 2017

The recent Budget showed the Conservatives following Thatcher’s example of facilitating homeownership as a means to build political support

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Capital controls are back on the agenda – but why did Britain scrap them in the 1970s?

Jack Copley  - 07 December 2017

Labour and Conservative governments in the 1970s abolished exchange controls and the reasons don’t just lie in free market ideology

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Can the Eurozone resolve its macroeconomic imbalances before the next crisis?

Rasmus Hovedskov Hansen & Ian Alexander Lovering  - 06 December 2017

The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure attempts to prevent future economic crises within the Eurozone by remedying emerging imbalances. Precisely how to achieve this, however, has opened a struggle for the very direction of European governance

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The Taylor Review and pensions: bad news for precarious workers

Jo Grady  - 07 December 2017

In order to prevent future pension crises, under-pensioned and precarious workers in the modern economy need a long term and sustainable vehicle for retirement saving, but the Taylor Review missed an opportunity to address this

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Capitalism doesn’t work? That’s fake news

Sir Keith Burnett - 01 December 2017

University of Sheffield President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Keith Burnett urges policymakers to stop pretending broken markets can be fixed with more regulation

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The Finance Curse research agenda: what we learned

Andrew Baker - 27 November 2017

A finance curse research agenda involves forensic dissection of financial dysfunction and pathology, helping to illuminate what needs to be put right

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George Osborne’s legacy lives on in Philip Hammond’s latest budget

Craig Berry - 23 November 2017

The Chancellor glossed over terrible forecasts, delivered more hype than substance on industrial strategy, and succumbed to another housing market stimulus. But the Osbornomics bag of budget tricks is delivering diminishing returns for the British economy

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A critique of proposed solutions to the German trade surplus

Muhammad Ali Nasir - 22 November 2017

Germany’s large trade surplus, especially with the US, has become a significant political issue, but remedying the situation is not straightforward

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Revisiting the developmental state 9: Conclusion

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 21 November 2017

The East Asian developmental state was a phenomenon of its time that hasn’t been precisely replicated, but state developmentalism as a strategy for national insertion into the global order remains necessary

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From Berlusconi to Weinstein to Westminster: Why we need a feminist political economy

Vanessa Bilancetti - 20 November 2017

Feminist political economy can help to reveal subordination in a labour market built on gendered economic relations

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Don’t depoliticise inclusive growth!

Professor Tony Payne - 16 November 2017

The endeavour to set out and implement a new vision for more inclusive growth will fail if it is not treated fundamentally as a matter of political economy, rather than an aspect of social policy

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Public aid is driving financial innovation to support international development

Gail Hurley - 15 November 2017

International development is increasingly being financed in innovative new ways. Public aid money is critical and its role should be celebrated more

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The Finance Curse: Building a new knowledge network

Andrew Baker - 14 November 2017

A workshop in Sheffield this week will examine the symptoms of a phenomenon known as the ‘finance curse’, establish a future research agenda and discuss potential responses

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Revisiting the developmental state 8: the new challenges of Asia’s latecomer industrialisation

Henry Wai-chung Yeung - 14 November 2017

Industrial policy needs to be rethought if it is to remain effective in promoting economic development in a highly globalised world economy

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Macron’s labour reforms are a major test for France’s trade unions

Heather Connolly - 13 November 2017

President Macron’s extensive labour reforms are part of a programme of state-led liberalization which will shift the balance of power towards employers and test trade union strength and unity

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Competition without competitors?

Patrick Kaczmarczyk - 10 November 2017

Coordinated policy actions are needed to tame dominant corporate power and rent-seeking

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Disgorging the social settlement: What the Paradise Papers tell us about firms

Adam Leaver - 10 November 2017

The Paradise Papers reveal how debt and other financial mechanisms are used to move funds offshore and avoid tax. New constraints on firms and managers are needed

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Understanding migrant trajectories through the lens of differentiated embedding

Louise Ryan - 09 November 2017

In the evolving context of Brexit, a new framework can help explain the factors that shape migrants’ choices to stay in the UK or to leave

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Andy Burnham and Steve Rotheram: their first six months working with the combined authorities

Georgina Blakeley & Brendan Evans - 08 November 2017

Six months have passed since Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region elected metro-mayors. In this first of a series of three blogs we assess their progress so far

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Revisiting the developmental state 7: understanding the Mauritius ‘miracle’

Courtney Lindsay - 07 November 2017

What do the high levels of development and economic upgrading achieved by a small Indian Ocean island country tell us about the notion of the developmental state?

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How should progressives respond to the anti-competitive tendencies of the platform economy?

Craig Berry & Sean McDaniel - 06 November 2017

Firms such as Google and Uber – and their control of our data – may pose a threat to the UK’s competition regime. How policy-makers respond to this will help to define the platform economy

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The great uncertainty paradox

Colin Hay - 02 November 2017

Uncertainty is the essence of social, political and economic systems. This is the final post on our series on researching uncertainty

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Industrial strategy: here come the British

Craig Berry - 01 November 2017

The final report of the Industrial Strategy Commission outlines a bold vision for strategic economic management in the UK, including institutional reforms at the centre. Can we expect the same radicalism from the May government?

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Revisiting the developmental state 6: towards ‘developmental regimes’ in Africa?

David Booth - 31 October 2017

The essence of contemporary African developmentalism lies less in the nature of the state and more in that of the regime, especially its capacity to pursue sound development policies

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Economic uncertainty and economics imperialism

Matthew Watson - 26 October 2017

The question of why uncertainty does not feature more prominently as an economic ontology requires answers that are rooted in intellectual history.  This post, the sixth in our series on uncertainty, searches for them by looking at how economic history has become increasingly colonised by economic theory, and economic theory by mathematics.

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Capitalising on Brexit? Charting the next phase of European Capital Markets Union

Scott Lavery - 25 October 2017

Although the UK embraced Capital Markets Union (CMU) in its early stages, it also strongly resisted attempts to enhance EU-level supervisory powers. Brexit could now see the CMU agenda develop further – but not in the way the UK had initially anticipated

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Revisiting the developmental state 5: India and Brazil in the 21st century

Dr Valbona Muzaka - 24 October 2017

Real and credible development in these countries means pursuing knowledge social economy visions that are genuinely autochthonous

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The social economy is missing in strategies to create more inclusive growth

Andrew Westall - 23 October 2017

As more places around the UK focus on inclusive growth it is essential that the social economy is no longer left out

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The IMF and a new politics of inequality?

Alex Nunn & Paul White - 20 October 2017

Recent statements about inequality by the IMF have attracted media interest, but are they saying anything new?

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Forecasting inflation amid uncertainty: have we forgotten the dog and the frisbee?

Muhammad Ali Nasir - 18 October 2017

The Bank of England’s inflation forecasts in the period since the Brexit vote have been largely inaccurate – is this because the Bank has forgotten the rule of thumb championed by its own chief economist? This is the fifth post in our series on the impact of uncertainty on social science

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Revisiting the developmental state 4: the ‘Beijing Consensus’ & prospects for democratic development in China and beyond

Ziya Önis - 17 October 2017

Whether China liberalises politically, as the original ‘Asian Tigers’ did, or maintains its authoritarian approach is an issue with theoretical and practical implications that resonate well beyond China’s own immediate development challenges

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Revisiting the developmental state 1: Introduction

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 26 September 2017

It’s time to open up a new debate about the potential gains offered by this longstanding and core concept in the study of the political economy of development

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The Life Sciences should not have an Industrial Strategy

 Richard Jones - 20 September 2017

It’s time to open up a new debate about the potential gains offered by this longstanding and core concept in the study of the political economy of development

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The Anglo-American Centre-Left and the immediate question of agency

 David Coates - 18 September 2017

The Democrats and the Labour Party have been on the defensive for too long. Winning again requires a progressive re-radicalization of politics

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Overseas anti-slavery initiatives flourish, but domestic governance gaps persist

 Genevieve LeBaron & Andrew Crane - 14 September 2017

UK-based companies are ramping up efforts to combat slavery in their overseas supply chains. But companies also need to be working harder to address the severe labour exploitation taking place at home

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The strange still-birth of ‘Milimayism’

 Tony Payne - 11 September 2017

Britain just can’t generate the politics with which to build the new reformist consensus its political economy so badly needs

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Depoliticisation: What is it and why does it matter?

 Matthew Wood - 07 September 2017

Understanding the concept of depoliticisation – and of politicisation – is key to understanding the governing strategies of policymakers and how decisions are made

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: the biggest international organization you’ve never heard of

Rick Rowden - 04 September 2017

The West has paid little attention to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This is set to change as it becomes increasingly influential in global geopolitics

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The balancing act of Brexit and digital trade

Christopher Foster  - 29 August 2017

As the UK leaves the EU it risks a potential ‘digital cliff-edge’. How it navigates its way through global tensions around digital trade rules will orientate the shape of the economy for years to come

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Trump, the Russia sanctions and Europe’s energy future

Helen Thompson - 24 August 2017

The significant deterioration in US-Russia relations and new sanctions could profoundly impact the EU and its energy needs

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The problem with treating a financial network like a financial market

Adam Leaver & Daniel Tischer - 23 August 2017

Ten years after the financial crisis, the risks associated with securitisation are yet to be fully appreciated

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Does age now trump class in British politics?

Kate Alexander Shaw - 21 August 2017

After higher youth turnout in the 2017 general election Labour has to think hard about whether fairness is about class or cohort

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Are China’s economic activities good for Zambia?

Mwai Daka - 15 August 2017

Chinese investment to Zambia has created jobs and trade but there are serious concerns about conditions for labour in the copper industry

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Developing a local government finance system that works for all?

Kevin Muldoon-Smith & Paul Greenhalgh- 15 August 2017

Property and land are increasingly significant to local government financing – but their valuation and taxation need urgent reform to fund local services and support growth

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Has the salience of ‘saving’ in British political discourse declined?

Craig Berry - 09 August 2017

The practice of saving has been complexified, but the concept has until recently retained discursive significance as part of an ‘asset-based welfare’ agenda. The 2017 election may, however, have signalled a significant shift in British economic statecraft

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Devolution and austerity are intertwined in Sheffield City Region

Martin Jones & David Etherington - 08 August 2017

A new conversation about devolution that acknowledges the impact of austerity on city regions is urgently needed

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Why the Conservatives struggle with empathy

Ben Richardson & Simon Glaze - 03 August 2017

The ‘nasty party’ tag will stick until the Conservatives reject making moral judgements about poorer members of society

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The Labour Party’s free movement dilemma

Owen Parker - 31 July 2017

There are good pragmatic and principled reasons for the Labour Party to reverse its opposition to the free movement of EU citizens

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Brexit risks harming African economies that trade with the UK

Peg Murray-Evans - 27 July 2017

The UK must pay urgent attention to the complexities of African trade in order to avoid Brexit having damaging effects

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The collapse of France’s Socialist Party amidst the Macron surge

Ben Clift & Sean McDaniel - 26 July 2017

With Macron dominant and the left divided, the future of a devastated Socialist Party is extremely unclear

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Labour’s Titanic Brexit nightmare

Matt Bishop - 24 July 2017

In even flirting with leaving the EU Single Market, the UK is heading full steam towards an iceberg of historic proportions, and this will destroy Labour if a change of course is not pursued

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Towards a coherent industrial strategy for the UK

Richard Jones - 19 July 2017

The new report by Industrial Strategy Commission sets out positive principles that can be the foundations for a new UK industrial strategy

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The power relations of debt: care and resistance

Daniela Tepe-Belfrage & Johnna Montgomerie - 18 July 2017

Rethinking debt and how it is ‘cared for’ reveals its gendered, classed and racialised nature

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Has neoliberalism gone too far? And if so, where do we go from here?

Vivien Schmidt & Jean Monnet - 17 July 2017

To replace neoliberalism we need a renewal of liberal capitalism combined with a renewal of democracy

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The future history of Donald Trump

Jamie Morgan - 13 July 2017

The concerns and conflict that are already central to the Trump presidency will be key to understanding Trump as future history

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Understanding foreign relations between India and Iran

Rick Rowden - 12 July 2017

The India-Iran relationship is often ignored yet it provides insights into shifting geostrategic relationships within Asia

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Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative dividing Europe?

Małgorzata Jakimów - 11 July 2017

China’s grand geopolitical project threatens a new East-West divide in Europe

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Learning from China’s success? Europe in the 21st century global economy

Gerhard Stahl - 07 July 2017

Europe can learn lessons from China’s development and should agree a new common approach on trade

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How to fund a state development bank: a two-stage proposal

Daniela Gabor & Leandros Kalisperas - 06 July 2017

Our proposal shows how to fund a new state bank that would harness the money creation power of the Bank of England for the public good

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The proletariat problem: general election 2017 and the class politics of Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn

Craig Berry - 05 July 2017

The election continued the swing of working-class voters to the Conservative Party – but also the more important trend of working-class disengagement from politics. Can Labour respond without succumbing to populism?

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Between a rock and a hard place: Trade negotiations post-Brexit and post-election

Silke Trommer - 04 July 2017

Future negotiations about service trade liberalisation will present significant difficulties for the UK – whoever is in power

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Unfinished business: reforming the Economic and Monetary Union

Peter Verovšek - 03 July 2017

Europe’s citizens must put pressure on their leaders to reform the Eurozone – before the next crisis hits

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Brexit blues: the election, austerity and leaving the EU

Andrew Gamble - 29 June 2017

The election will have profound consequences for Brexit, in a transformed political climate where the initiative has been handed to Labour

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How foreign acquisitions lower the debt level of domestic firms

Georgios Efthyvoulou - 28 June 2017

New research suggests foreign investment opportunities benefit domestic firms and should be welcomed by national governments

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Financializing town halls: Local councils, LOBO loans and the derivatives markets

Sebastian Möller - 26 June 2017

LOBO loans and other derivative products connect local authorities with global finance and indicate a new management of municipal debt

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The EU a year after the UK referendum: new momentum and optimism?

Simon Bulmer - 23 June 2017

With the EU issue in the UK far from settled, reports of the demise of the EU and the Eurozone have been greatly exaggerated

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The split in neoliberalism on Brexit and the EU

Keshia Jacotine - 22 June 2017

Protectionist or pragmatic? Leave or Remain? A year ago neoliberals were divided on Brexit but now they are united

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General election 2017 and the incompleteness of industrial strategy

Craig Berry - 21 June 2017

Industrial strategy is the Achilles heel of British economic statecraft, but the radical approaches promised by both the Conservatives and Labour fall short of a transformative agenda

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EU mortgage reforms and the shifting power of civil society and the financial industry

Lisa Kastner - 19 June 2017

Analysis of new EU mortgage reforms shows how civil society groups were able to translate their key goals into policy and counters the financial industry ‘capture’ narrative

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General election 2017 and the insidiousness of austerity politics

Craig Berry - 15 June 2017

The Corbyn ‘surge’ denied the May government the majority it took for granted – but the implication that austerity in the UK is over is far from clear

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Negotiating the impossible? Brexit after the election

Simon Bulmer - 14 June 2017

Multiple scenarios now exist for the imminent Brexit negotiations. An informed deliberation over the options must be the immediate way forward

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Reassessing Corbynism: success, contradictions and a difficult path ahead

Matt Bolton - 13 June 2017

Corbyn’s success in building an alliance that extends from Greens to UKIP voters only postpones the moment of Labour’s reckoning with Brexit

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Brexit, don’t forget how we got here

Jamie Morgan - 12 June 2017

Understanding Brexit requires us to consider the political economy of tax justice and the abuse of wealth protection

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That was the Crisis that was: the 2017 election and the strange demise of the 2007-08 crisis

Chris Kirkland - 07 June 2017

Despite dominating UK politics for the last decade the crisis has been a notable absence from the 2017 general election campaign

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The great Australian neoliberal experiment

Keshia Jacotine - 06 June 2017

The story of how Australia embraced the free market

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Tax spillover, development and global governance

Andrew Baker - 05 June 2017

Our new tax spillover framework is intended to increase scrutiny of countries’ tax regimes and discourage ‘race to the bottom’ behaviours

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Is regionalism declining in world politics?

Ahmad Rizky M. Umar - 01 June 2017

To counter moves towards more nationalist politics, regional integration must involve greater social integration

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The triple lock is a pensions policy, not a pensioner policy

Craig Berry - 30 May 2017

While the current method of uprating the state pension is imperfect, Theresa May’s proposal to abolish it is based on a flawed view of intergenerational fairness

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Independent Scotland is an economic opportunity for the north of England

Robin McAlpine - 26 May 2017

Shared economic interests mean Scottish independence could enhance not threaten the north’s economy. This must be part of the independence debate

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The working lives of the under-30s show the future of work for us all

Antonia Bance - 23 May 2017

New research by the TUC to understand the lives of Britain’s young workers will help improve work and give them a path to union membership

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How the financial industry mobilized against the European Financial Transaction Tax

Lisa Kastner - 22 May 2017

Despite broad post-crisis support in Europe for a financial transaction tax, the financial industry successfully lobbied to water down proposals and delay its implementation

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How to reform the UN Security Council?

Matthew Rablen - 18 May 2017

Reform of UN Security Council must look to a ‘Weak Veto’

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Back to the future: women’s work and the gig economy

Abigail Hunt - 16 May 2017

Learning from the history of women’s work can help to overcome discrimination and improve working conditions in the gig economy

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Review: The End of British Politics? by Mick Moran

Scott Lavery - 15 May 2017

This timely new book expertly charts the endurance of the British state and how elites have sought to ‘repurpose’ it. Whether this can be achieved again after Brexit is highly uncertain

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To gain legitimacy new metro-mayors must improve turnout and diversity

Georgina Blakeley & Brendan Evans - 11 May 2017

New metro-mayors must now deliver on their policy commitments, and quickly seek to secure the ‘democratic moment’ that advocates of devolution promised

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Longevity as transferable ‘risk’: the new financial dynamics of ageing

Giselle Datz - 10 May 2017

Transfers between defined benefit pension schemes and (re)insurance companies are expanding the landscape of retirement risk shifts

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Falling through the gaps: insecure work and the social safety net

Jane Mansour - 09 May 2017

Labour market support systems need to adapt to better support the growing number of workers in vulnerable employment

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Millennials versus Baby Boomers: words matter in the politics of intergenerational fairness

Kate Alexander Shaw - 08 May 2017

Rhetoric used today to describe intergenerational debates will shape tomorrow’s policies – and affect all of our futures

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Metro-mayor elections: a new type of second-order election?

Georgina Blakeley & Brendan Evans - 04 May 2017

As polls open a range of electoral features – personality, campaigning and voting systems – will tell us if voters see today’s elections as ‘second-order’

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Organising against the gig economy – lessons from Latin America?

Adam Fishwick - 02 May 2017

New strategies of organisation and workers’ control in Latin America suggest ways to tackle the insecurity of the gig economy

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New Unions, Old Laws – Why flexibility is key in the ‘gig economy’

Sebastien Flais - 02 May 2017

The gig economy companies must and can be challenged to better protect their workers; this can be done under existing legislation

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Brexit Britain and undemocracy: an epilogue

Craig Berry - 28 April 2017

Paradoxically, the snap election is a further nail in the coffin of actually-existing British democracy – and reinforces the role of Brexit in the revival of conservative statecraft

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Metro-mayors: campaigning in poetry, governing in prose?

Georgina Blakeley & Brendan Evans - 27 April 2017

New metro-mayors will be elected in English city-regions on May 4th.  Once elected the hard task of defining the new roles begins

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The Changing World of Work and the trade union movement’s response

Becky Wright - 25 April 2017

The economy and employment are changing fast, but there are important steps that unions can take to be prepared

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Organising with on-demand freelancers in the platform economy: Part Two

Greetje (Gretta) F. Corporaal - 25 April 2017

Adopting online freelancing platforms as part of your business model presents organisations with challenges that require novel solutions

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Disarray on the French left – what next for the Parti Socialiste

Sean McDaniel - 21 April 2017

Socialist candidate Benoît Hamon looks set to finish fifth in Sunday’s presidential election. With crucial legislative elections following in June, the party is in disarray.

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It’s time to regulate the gig economy

Janine Berg & Valerio De Stefano - 18 April 2017

Technology is used to monitor workers doing platform-based work. It can also be used to regulate work and protect workers

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Organizing with on-demand freelancers in the platform economy: Part One

Greetje (Gretta) F. Corporaal - 18 April 2017

To understand the future of work we need to explore the diversity of platforms and how they are used in the modern economy

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Liberalisation of the Water Industry: What next for consumer and environmental protection?

Jon Morris - 13 April 2017

From April 1st companies in the UK can choose to switch their water provider; a domestic roll-out for households seems inevitable

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The gig economy requires unions to embrace the Internet

Alex J. Wood - 11 April 2017

The internet provides new opportunities to strengthen collective action and improve new forms of work

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It’s not the gig economy, stupid

Daniel Tomlinson - 11 April 2017

The gig economy has got us talking about the labour market, but the decline in trade union membership matters more

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A crisis of control – what should the on-demand workforce be demanding?

Alice Martin - 07 April 2017

To improve security at work we must bring together the demands of people in work with those looking to find work

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Remaking the case for a ‘developmental state’ in Britain

Tony Payne - 23 March 2017

Britain urgently needs a new national development strategy after the Brexit vote and must find the will to embrace a radically different model of the state

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The political economy of the White Paper on The Future of Europe: Part Two

Owen Parker - 22 March 2017

The Commission’s White Paper understates both the depth of the crisis associated with the EU status quo and what needs to be done about it

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The political economy of the White Paper on the Future of Europe: Part One

Owen Parker - 21 March 2017

The Commission’s new White Paper offers some interesting post-Brexit scenarios for ‘the future of Europe’, but realising any of these will be difficult in a context of political divisions among the remaining 27 states

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The problems with measuring tax systems

Nicholas Shaxson - 16 March 2017

In debates about tax policy we need to de-emphasise the role of economics and measurement and rekindle the politics

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Re-framing tax spillover

Andrew Baker & Richard Murphy - 14 March 2017

Interest in ‘tax spillover’ is growing but there is a need to reframe existing analysis. Our new framework would give a fuller reading of international and domestic tax vulnerabilities

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Lost in Dicey: judges, Brexit and the constitution

Mich Moran - 13 March 2017

The Supreme Court’s Article 50 judgement was based on a constitutional fallacy that puts the stability of the United Kingdom at risk

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The Italian Constitutional Referendum: the fears behind the No vote

Fabio Bordignon, Luigi Ceccarini & Ilvo Diamanti  - 09 March 2017

The varied generational impact of Italy’s enduring economic crisis was a central factor behind the No vote

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The (distorted) issue of inequality

Stephen Buzdugan - 08 March 2017

The populist right’s focus on race and immigration claims to be about fairness and inequality, but actually distracts from the more acute matter of the concentration of wealth and income at the very top

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IPE’s strategic silence on capitalism and moral order

Jörg Wiegratz - 07 March 2017

The study of how neoliberalism is remaking moral order in Africa reveals important insights for scholars of political economy

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Donald Trump, Dodd-Frank and the politics of academic critique

Nathan Coombs - 01 March 2017

As opposition mounts to post-crisis regulatory reforms, scholars should rethink their critical evaluation of the progress that has been made

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Inclusive growth at city-region level: a perspective from Greater Manchester

Ruth Lupton - 28 February 2017

Greater Manchester is an important test-bed for how inclusive growth can be put into practice at a local level

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The American kids are alright

Rick Rowden - 23 February 2017

The significant public and political protests during the first month of the Trump presidency represent the backlash to the backlash

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Inclusive growth: the challenge of our time

Colin Hay - 21 February 2017

A new growth model must be economically and morally sustainable – now, and for future generations

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Forever young, but never young?

Craig Berry - 15 February 2017

Alan France’s ambitious account of young people’s experience of economic crisis across eight developed countries shows what it means to be young has been transformed

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In Cuba, the post-Fidel era began ten years ago

Ramón I. Centeno - 08 February 2017

Under Raúl Castro’s presidency Cuba’s centrally planned economy has significantly integrated market socialist features

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Rising powers to the rescue? The future of the liberal economic international order

Richard Woodward - 07 February 2017

Those touting China and other rising powers as saviours of the liberal economic international order are likely to be disappointed

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Pay ratio reporting: why the time for action is now

Stuart Hill - 02 February 2017

With increased support for private sector pay ratio reporting now coming from the likes of major investors such as Legal & General and the Investment Association,  this blog argues that action by the UK government is now essential

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What ASEAN needs to learn from Brexit

Ahmad Rizky M. Umar - 31 January 2017

ASEAN needs to develop stronger leadership and become more democratic. Failure to do this will mean it continue to be fragmented and vulnerable to the danger of ‘breaking up’

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The unravelling of Hollande’s ‘anti-austerity’ programme and the crisis of French socialism

Sean McDaniel - 26 January 2017

With the failure of Hollande’s promise of ‘le changement’, ahead of this year’s elections the French Socialists find themselves severely weakened and maybe even at breaking point

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Italy after the referendum: when change leads to immobility

Arianna Giovannini - 24 January 2017

A month after the Italian constitutional referendum and nothing has really changed. The country has a new government and Prime Minister, yet the political and significant economic challenges remain

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‘De-globalisation’, or ‘re-globalisation’?

Tony Payne - 23 January 2017

The former is the new project of the populist right; the latter needs to be the new vision of the centre-left

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Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May and industrial strategy

James Silverwood - 19 January 2017

What does the discursive appeal to industrial strategy by Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May tell us about the prospect for radical policy change or continuity?

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Angela Merkel’s Germany: still liberals’ best hope for 2017?

Simon Bulmer - 18 January 2017

To secure a fourth term a less liberal version of Angela Merkel may emerge as she reacts to the domestic and global tumult of the last year

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Brexit and free trade fallacies - Part Two

Matt Bishop - 16 January 2017

The British government is displaying an abject grasp of global trade politics; ironically the EU red tape the Brexiteers wish to burn is the very basis on which the ‘free trade’ they hope for rests

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Brexit and free trade fallacies - Part One

Matt Bishop - 11 January 2017

Modern trade politics is about regulatory harmonisation and attracting flows of investment, and this calls into question the very idea of ‘trade’ as we have understood it until now

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European sovereign bond-backed securities: a dangerous idea

Andrea Lagna & Benjamin Wilhelm - 10 January 2017

The securitization of European government bonds is likely to increase hierarchies in the Eurozone. Eurobonds represent the most viable path to fiscal solidarity and political union

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Labour struggles and acts of physical and symbolic violence

Heather Connolly - 09 January 2017

The ‘shirt ripping’ Air France trial highlights the usefulness of Bourdieu’s analysis to understanding conflicts within financialised capitalism

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Is there a Scottish economic model?

Ewan Gibbs - 05 January 2017

Nicola Sturgeon is keen to emphasis a distinctive Scottish model – yet the SNP’s style and rhetoric differ from the substance and reality of Scotland’s economy

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Punching above its weight: Cuba’s medical internationalism

Gail Hurley - 04 January 2017

After Castro’s death and with profound political and economic change across the Americas what is the future for Cuba’s medical internationalism?

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