Gail Hurley

Policy Specialist on Development Finance, United Nations Development Programme, New York

What do Global Megatrends mean for the financing of the SDGs?

Gail Hurley - 19 September 2018

How finance is raised and spent must be transformed to effectively meet the enormous challenges of the 21st century

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Public aid is driving financial innovation to support international development

Gail Hurley - 15 November 2017

International development is increasingly being financed in innovative new ways. Public aid money is critical and its role should be celebrated more

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Punching above its weight: Cuba’s medical internationalism

Gail Hurley - 04 January 2017

After Castro’s death and with profound political and economic change across the Americas what is the future for Cuba’s medical internationalism?

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How new donor countries are reshaping the development aid landscape

Gail Hurley - 06 December 2016

Development aid is increasingly being provided by middle-income economies. This is a significant change in a shifting global aid landscape

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How Tax Inspectors Without Borders are tackling lost tax revenues

Gail Hurley -  23 August 2016

Developing countries lose billions annually through tax avoidance and evasion. New UN-led initiatives are helping but global action is still required.

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The Caribbean's silent debt crisis

Gail Hurley - 28 October 2013

New policies are needed to break the cycle of debt dependency

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