Matt Bishop

Research Fellow, SPERI & Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of Sheffield

Is Britain committing commercial suicide?

Matt Bishop - 27 February 2020

A 19th Century trade agenda will decimate the most productive parts of the 21st Century economy. This is the sixth part of SPERI’s new series on Brexit, the Conservative Majority and the UK Political Economy.

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Steering towards the future

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 17 December 2019

For all its disappointments and flaws, the G20 still has the best chance of delivering the comprehensive global oversight of global governance that we need. This is part 8 in the series 'Reglobalisation in action'.

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Reglobalisation in action: rehearsing the concept

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 15 October 2019

Globalisation should not – indeed, must not – be abandoned, but it needs to be rebuilt around a new normative framework of ‘re-embedded post-neoliberalism’. This is the first part in the series 'Reglobalisation in action'.

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The political economies of different globalisations – Part 4: ‘Reglobalisation’

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  28 March 2019

A new mode of globalisation, grounded in the notion of ‘re-embedded post-neoliberalism’, can be charted and built by states if, collectively, they want to do so.

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The political economies of different globalisations – Part 3: ‘Deglobalisation from the left’

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  21 March 2019

The left-wing critique of neoliberal globalisation is powerful up to a point, but ultimately it doesn’t stand on the ground where the real battle has to take place.

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The political economies of different globalisations – Part 2: ‘Deglobalisation from the right’

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  14 March 2019

With just a couple of weeks to go until the UK’s planned exit from the European Union, the country still faces significant uncertainties about the shape Brexit will take and the impact it will have on businesses and livelihoods. 

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The political economies of different globalisations – Part 1: Neoliberal globalisation

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  07 March 2019

Globalisation should not be seen as some kind of inevitable technological imperative but rather as a political construction born of a particular phase in history

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Is Britain ‘undeveloping’ before our eyes? Part II

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  30 January 2019

The country needs an accurate analysis of its plight, a strategy for addressing it and a developmental state to drive forward economic and political change.

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Is Britain ‘undeveloping’ before our eyes? Part I

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne -  29 January 2019

The pathologies characterising Britain’s emergence as the first ‘early developer’ may have accumulated to the point where they undermine its prospect of continuing development

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Making the unpolishable Brexit turd sparkle?

Matt Bishop - 13 July 2018

The economic logic of hard Brexit has always been a chimera, and our political class is finally waking up to the impossibility of delivering it in any meaningful sense

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Revisiting the developmental state 9: Conclusion

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 21 November 2017

The East Asian developmental state was a phenomenon of its time that hasn’t been precisely replicated, but state developmentalism as a strategy for national insertion into the global order remains necessary

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Revisiting the developmental state 1: Introduction

Matt Bishop & Tony Payne - 26 September 2017

It’s time to open up a new debate about the potential gains offered by this longstanding and core concept in the study of the political economy of development

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Labour’s Titanic Brexit nightmare

Matt Bishop - 24 July 2017

In even flirting with leaving the EU Single Market, the UK is heading full steam towards an iceberg of historic proportions, and this will destroy Labour if a change of course is not pursued

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Brexit and free trade fallacies Part Two

Matt Bishop - 16 January 2017

The British government is displaying an abject grasp of global trade politics; ironically the EU red tape the Brexiteers wish to burn is the very basis on which the ‘free trade’ they hope for rests

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Brexit and free trade fallacies - Part One

Matt Bishop - 11 January 2017

Modern trade politics is about regulatory harmonisation and attracting flows of investment, and this calls into question the very idea of ‘trade’ as we have understood it until now

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High hopes: what now for the cannabis ‘green rush’ under Trump?

Matt Bishop - 28 November 2016

The likely evolution of cannabis policy highlights the domestic and external political economy constraints facing President Trump

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What if the national economy is like a household budget?

Matt Bishop -  20 September 2016

An inexpert population frequently internalises misleading economic ideas: experts should consider engaging on these terms rather than always trying to get the economics ‘right’

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The Coming Crisis: Is the long-predicted crisis in China finally coming?

Matt Bishop - 04 May 2016

A gathering storm is visible on the Chinese horizon, yet the country seems better prepared to ride it out than many predict

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Cannabis in the USA Part II: … losing the (drug) war?

Matt Bishop - 17 December 2015

Reforms represent just one battle in a bigger war that is far from over

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Cannabis in the USA Part I: winning the battle…

Matt Bishop - 15 December 2015

Ambitious reforms to cannabis policy in the US are long overdue, with cracks finally appearing in the edifice of the failed ‘War on Drugs’

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Reforming FIFA?

Matt Bishop - 16 June 2015

The issue lays bare the broader trade-offs between democracy, efficiency and legitimacy that epitomise global governance.

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Singaporean lessons? 

Matt Bishop - 24 February 2015

Singapore is often held up as a model of development, and it does indeed carry some interesting lessons for other countries, both small and large, to consider

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What is Labour's narrative?

Matt Bishop - 07 August 2014

Without an effective story about the past, the present and the future, Labour will be unable to shape a new British political economy grounded in fairness

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Reparations for slavery?

Matt Bishop - 20 March 2014

The legacy of the slave trade lives on and forces us to think about political economy in new and uncomfortable ways

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The unravelling of Chavismo?

Matt Bishop - 25 February 2014

The unique experiment represented by the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela is potentially on the brink of a painful and protracted crisis

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A centrist political economy for Britain: Part 1

Matt Bishop - 03 September 2013

The fabled ‘centre ground’ of British politics is more malleable than people realise, which means that a radical agenda for the country’s political economy does not involve left-of-centre politicians vacating it

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Whatever happened to progressive taxation?

Matt Bishop - 07 August 2013

The social contract between different groups of citizens could completely unravel if we don’t see a return to progressive taxation

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‘Third World problems’?

Matt Bishop - 28 May 2013

We may all be developing countries now, facing similar broad challenges, but our capacity to respond to the rapidly transforming developmental context is highly unequal

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