Jeremy Green

Lecturer in International Political Economy, University of Cambridge, SPERI Honorary Research Fellow

Why climate change is globalisation’s biggest challenge yet

Jeremy Green - 27 January 2020

Responding to climate change poses a fundamental challenge to the ideas that shape globalisation. This blog explores potential solutions to the crisis.

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The end of globalisation?

Jeremy Green - 13 December 2016

Proclamations of the ‘death’ of globalisation are premature

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The Coming Crisis: stagflation and the shackles of market discipline

Jeremy Green - 06 April 2016

In the second blog in SPERI’s new series on ‘the coming crisis’ Jeremy Green assesses the prospects of unorthodox central bank policies for escaping the stagflation gripping Western capitalism

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How sustainable are the Anglo-American recoveries?

Jeremy Green - 02 February 2016

While both countries have experienced comparatively strong growth, divergence on the current account ensures that the UK’s situation looks much more perilous

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A terminal crisis of Anglo-America?

Jeremy Green - 30 July 2015

In the wake of the global financial crisis new strains have emerged within the US-UK ‘Special Relationship’

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QE, labour market restructuring and the ‘regressive recovery’

Jeremy Green & Scott Lavery - 09 June 2015

Cameron’s continuing ‘two nations’ governing strategy prepares the way for a further economic crisis

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The City of London and Britain’s uneven development

Jeremy Green - 18 December 2014

If the City’s prosperity is not made to work for all, then the break-up of Britain may be unavoidable

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What’s really at stake in the renationalisation of the railways?

Jeremy Green - 24 July 2014

Renationalisation might spook big business but it represents a welcome injection of legitimacy into a maligned public sphere

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Counting the cost of the regressive recovery

Jeremy Green & Scott Lavery - 22 April 2014

The Coalition’s recovery has intensified deeply damaging distributional trends within Britain

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The politics of employment and the limits of the recovery

Jeremy Green - 23 December 2013

Despite claims of recovery we are still mired in an employment crisis. 

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The politics of quantitative easing: ‘recovery’ through regressive redistribution

Jeremy Green  - 24 September 2013

Neoliberal crisis responses in the Anglo-American economies have deepened inequality and divided society

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