Giselle Datz

Associate Professor of Government & International Affairs, Virginia Tech, USA

Longevity as transferable ‘risk’: the new financial dynamics of ageing

Giselle Datz - 10 May 2017

Transfers between defined benefit pension schemes and (re)insurance companies are expanding the landscape of retirement risk shifts

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Rio and the surreal: The 2016 Olympic Games in a ‘glocal’ context

Giselle Datz -  11 August 2016

Paradoxically ritualistic and idiosyncratic, the Rio Olympics are set against a background of perplexing global and local dynamics which converge around the challenge of resilience.

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Rio de Janeiro beyond the Olympic Games and the Zika controversy

Giselle Datz -  03 June 2016

The real malaise of Rio is not just the Zika virus epidemic, but a fiscal and governance crisis that has engendered its own set of increasing dangers

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Brazil on the edge: rhetoric and reality in Rousseff’s impeachment proceeding

Giselle Datz - 22 April 2016

Despite claims of a coup, Brazilian democracy has proved more resilient so far than the country’s crumbling economy

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Brazil’s ‘neodevelopmentalism’: autopsy and adjustment

Giselle Datz - 19 August 2015

The problems the Brazilian economy now faces reveal that ‘hybrid’ development models are no panacea for sustained growth

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Argentina’s latest ‘default’: it’s all in the contract!

Giselle Datz - 05 August 2014

Without an effective story about the past, the present and the future, Labour will be unable to shape a new British political economy grounded in fairness

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The restructuring ‘revolution’: sovereign debt deals are no longer such a familiar game

Giselle Datz - 04 November 2013

Harnessing financial market innovation may help smooth the politics of sovereign debt

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Brazil’s mounting challenges: ‘The Giant has Awakened’

Giselle Datz - 23 July 2013

The approach of next year’s soccer World Cup is putting the spotlight on Brazil at a crucial moment in its development

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