

The political economy of managing conflict: the state-corporate nexus and 'greening' extractivism

Vicki Reif-Breitwieser - 21 November 2023

Resistance and activism against extractivism is prompting repression by state and corporate actors. This blog is the third in the series The Political Economy of Conflict by members of SPERI's Doctoral Researcher Network.

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Partisan geographic sorting in the UK: do political views influence to where we choose to move?

Georgios Efthyvoulou, Vincenzo Bove & Harry Pickard - 11 September 2023

New research shows that, when we move within the UK, we tend to move to areas that share our political values and ideals. 

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Social media as a site of social conflict

Winnie Lam & Remi Edwards - 15 August 2023

Online spaces are designed for fast content consumption, rather than meaningful political debate, which can fuel social conflict. This blog is the second in the series The Political Economy of Conflict by members of SPERI's Doctoral Researcher Network.

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In a post-Brexit world, we need health policy reform that respects the NHS

Matt Wood, Ivanka Antova, Mark Flear and Tamara Hervey - 19 July 2023

New research shows preferences for increased NHS investment in so-called left behind communities in a post-Brexit context - despite Brexit, not because of it.

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The dynamics of conflict and distance in financialised affordable housing

Michael Marshall - 16 May 2023

Speculation in affordable housing by an opaque investment community has produced new housing conflicts, but also new tactics among activists. This blog is the first in an upcoming series The Political Economy of Conflict by members of SPERI's Doctoral Researcher Network.

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Worker resistance and the gig economy: lessons from the Sheffield courier strike

Guy Cowman Sharpe & Christopher Leach - 29 March 2023

For eight months, platform workers in Sheffield organised the longest strike in the history of the gig economy. History and Politics student Christopher Leach spoke to striking platform workers as part of a Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) project. 

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