Gregory Chin

Associate Professor of Political Science, York University, Canada

The G20 and China

Gregory Chin & Hugo Dobson - 18 March 2015

The decision to hold the 2016 summit in China creates both opportunities and challenges in relation to the prospect of a new phase of Asian global leadership

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The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Wang Yong & Gregory Chin - 31 July 2014

Without an effective story about the past, the present and the future, Labour will be unable to shape a new British political economy grounded in fairness

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Into the Premier League – London and Renminbi internationalisation

Gregory Chin - 03 July 2014

Latest moves in RMB internationalisation in London could help push China’s currency into the top global rankings

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A life of (global) meaning – in memory of Professor Norman Girvan

Gregory Chin - 01 May 2014

Norman Girvan’s life and work have made an enduring contribution to the political economy of the world

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