Arianna Giovannini

Senior Lecturer in Local Politics in the Department of Politics and Public Policy, De Montfort University

England’s local elections 2018: the unusual case of Sheffield City Region’s mayoral contest

Arianna Giovannini -  01 May 2018

On 3 May, the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority will elect its first ‘metro mayor’. Although the mayor will preside over a devolution deal with no powers and funding (yet), this is a contest that is worth watching.

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The 2018 Italian election: old faces, new parties, familiar uncertainty

Daniele Albertazzi & Arianna Giovannini - 14 February 2018

Over the coming weeks a new blog series with the PSA Italian Politics Specialist Group will look ahead to the Italian election on March 4th and analyse the results

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Italy after the referendum: when change leads to immobility

Arianna Giovannini - 24 January 2017

A month after the Italian constitutional referendum and nothing has really changed. The country has a new government and Prime Minister, yet the political and significant economic challenges remain

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The uneven path of City Deal devolution in the North of England

Arianna Giovannini - 28 January 2016

The view from Yorkshire reveals growing tension and rising pressures from below

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The Scottish Indyref, one year on

Arianna Giovannini - 22 September 2015

Devolution in England ignores the key lessons from Scotland’s referendum

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