Andrew Gamble

Professorial Fellow at SPERI

‘Global Britain’ or ‘Britain First’?

Andrew Gamble - 7 February 2020

Contradictions have emerged within the Tory party between their ‘Global Britain’ free trade agenda and their pledge to ‘level up’ the country and to end the inequalities which emerged under globalisation. This is the second part in SPERI’s new series on Brexit, the Conservative Majority and the UK Political Economy.

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Brexit blues: the election, austerity and leaving the EU

Andrew Gamble - 29 June 2017

The election will have profound consequences for Brexit, in a transformed political climate where the initiative has been handed to Labour

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The Coming Crisis: we do not have much time

Andrew Gamble -  13 July 2016

The political economy problems we face are complex and loom large; new solutions are needed and time is of the essence

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Breaking up is hard to do

Andrew Gamble -  04 July 2016

Early pointers to what the future may hold for post-Brexit Britain

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Political party conferences: A look ahead

Michael Kenny, Tim Bale & Andrew Gamble - 17 September 2015

As the party conferences get underway this weekend three experienced analysts share their thoughts on what we might expect to hear at the Lib Dem, Labour and Conservative conferences, and the challenges facing each party.

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A tale of two elections

Andrew Gamble - 11 May 2015

Labour is now confronted with a serious strategic dilemma, but the Conservatives also face huge economic and political challenges

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Deflation trap

Andrew Gamble - 02 September 2014

Neoliberalism will struggle to survive if western economies cannot find ways to increase demand

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Bad economics

Andrew Gamble - 08 October 2013

The dominance of the prevailing economic orthodoxy makes it hard for even modest reforms to gain traction

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