

2016 and the return of the nation-state

Helen Thompson  - 21 December 2016

Whilst the turbulence of this year has caused political shocks the apparent resurgence of the nation-state should be no surprise

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Liberal vs populist economic policies in France 2017

Renee Buhr  - 20 December 2016

Whoever is elected as President in April is set to introduce a break from business as usual in French economic policy

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Where next for discussions on household food insecurity in the UK?

Hannah Lambie-Mumford  - 19 December 2016

Finding progressive policy responses that tackle food insecurity is essential for reducing in work poverty

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The condition of labour and democracy under the state of emergency in Turkey

Mehmet Erman Erol  - 16 December 2016

Turkey’s AKP government is using the state of emergency to curtail labour rights and introduce regressive economic reforms

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The end of globalisation?

Jeremy Green - 13 December 2016

Proclamations of the ‘death’ of globalisation are premature

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The world as we know it is a world that never was

Craig Berry - 07 December 2016

Donald Trump’s election reminds us that world order is based on American imperial power, not liberal ideals – the American empire’s unravelling will now be accelerated

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How new donor countries are reshaping the development aid landscape

Gail Hurley - 06 December 2016

Development aid is increasingly being provided by middle-income economies. This is a significant change in a shifting global aid landscape

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The grief before the storm

David Coates - 05 December 2016

Overcoming the grief caused by Trump’s victory requires us to analyse the sources of our pain

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The odd case of Jeremy Corbyn’s increasingly right-wing Labour Party

Glen O'Hara - 01 December 2016

Labour’s recent economic policy positions highlight a curious rightwards drift under Corbyn and McDonnell

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Brexit, May & Trump: the dangerous illusion of ‘taking back control’

Ben Clift - 30 November 2016

Economic patriotism is an analytical frame which can help explain the failings of a xenophobic populism which fails to acknowledge the complex realities of our economic interdependence –and risks exacerbating further political disaffection. 

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The view from COP22: frustration, uncertainty and Nordic leadership

Kaisa Pietilä - 29 November 2016

This month’s UN conference mixed post-Paris optimism with concerns about future climate change governance

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High hopes: what now for the cannabis ‘green rush’ under Trump?

Matt Bishop - 28 November 2016

The likely evolution of cannabis policy highlights the domestic and external political economy constraints facing President Trump

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Scotch mist: Brexit and independence

Paul Sutton - 26 November 2016

The SNP is using the uncertainty caused by Brexit to remake the case for independence – yet the warning signs about Scotland’s economy should already be on

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Mandatory transparency, discretionary disclosure

Genevieve LeBaron - 23 November 2016

New transparency regulations in some places theoretically require companies to report on forced labour in their supply chains, but a new review finds that’s not what’s happening

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Trump, Brexit and neoliberalism

Simon Wren-Lewis - 22 November 2016

To understand the twin electoral disasters of 2016 we need to consider the central role played by austerity and the media

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A time for governing in prose (and spreadsheets)

Andy Westwood - 22 November 2016

Philip Hammond is facing significant political and fiscal challenges which mean his first Autumn Statement is likely to be a sobering affair

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Corbynism, martyrdom and the other Labour split – part II

Craig Berry - 03 October 2016

Labour will not split, but Corbynism might – Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party depends on a large group of activists increasingly uneasy with his approach to politics

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The Crosland Legacy: Lessons for the British Left

Patrick Diamond 28 September 2016

Anthony Crosland’s persuasive case for social democratic ideals and insights into the nature of the economy and politics still have great resonance today

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Corbynism, martyrdom and the other Labour split – part I

Craig Berry -  26 September 2016

Jeremy Corbyn’s destructive utopianism has been reaffirmed by Labour Party members – but there are signs of a widening divergence among Corbyn’s support base, with uncertain implications for Labour’s future

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The UK is sinking deeper into property inequality – here’s why

Tom Goodfellow -  23 September 2016

In the UK and in developing countries enormous wealth is generated from property. New approaches and action is needed to value and tax property wealth

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The hollowness of GDP: The case of Ireland

Dan Bailey & John Barry -  22 September 2016

Ireland’s GDP statistics highlight the disconnect between ‘official’ growth and the real economy, and raise questions about the nature of growth itself

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What if the national economy is like a household budget?

Matt Bishop -  20 September 2016

An inexpert population frequently internalises misleading economic ideas: experts should consider engaging on these terms rather than always trying to get the economics ‘right’

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‘Eating power’ and the oligopolisation of the Haitian food economy

Merisa Thompson15 September 2016

As one of the world’s poorest countries, the inequities in Haiti’s local food economy are deeply rooted in its troubled history and its elite-dominated political economy

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Mainstream economics and the crisis of imagination: Part II

Jamie Morgan -  13 September 2016

New initiatives can transform economics to make it part of the solution rather than part of the problem

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Jeremy Corbyn: a Polanyian critique

Craig Berry08 September 2016

Corbynism represents a ‘fictitious commodity’ in the UK’s political marketplace

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Mainstream economics and the crisis of imagination: Part I

Jamie Morgan -  06 September 2016

In times of crisis the predictions of mainstream economics persistently fail; alternative approaches to economics are required

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‘Brexit means Brexit’ must not mean ‘keep calm and carry on’

John Mikler31 August 2016

The UK needs a long-term project of nation-building, not continuation with the neoliberal policy settings of the last 40 years

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Is Lloyds Britain’s most boring bank?

Adam Barber -  30 August 2016

Lloyds have embraced the ‘boring banking model’ but whether they are a trailblazer for the other major British banks or simply an outlier remains unclear.

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How Tax Inspectors Without Borders are tackling lost tax revenues

Gail Hurley -  23 August 2016

Developing countries lose billions annually through tax avoidance and evasion. New UN-led initiatives are helping but global action is still required.

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Brexit Britain and the political economy of undemocracy: Part II – the left

Craig Berry17 August 2016

While the right acts decisively to restore the established order, the Corbyn experiment eschews both democracy and state power, and thus Labour’s best hope of transforming capitalism.

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Will ‘decent work’ or Victorian brutality mark India’s dash for the top?

Jonathan Pattenden -  16 August 2016

While the government attempts to weaken labour regulations, the organisation of India’s many million informal labourers is likely to gather pace.

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Rio and the surreal: The 2016 Olympic Games in a ‘glocal’ context

Giselle Datz -  11 August 2016

Paradoxically ritualistic and idiosyncratic, the Rio Olympics are set against a background of perplexing global and local dynamics which converge around the challenge of resilience.

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Brexit Britain and the political economy of undemocracy: Part I – the right

Craig Berry -  10 August 2016

The aftermath of economic crisis, followed by Brexit, has seen the dismantling of democratic norms in Britain. The right benefits, while the left stands by

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Growth and degradation in UK apparel manufacturing

Nikolaus Hammer -  09 August 2016

Low paid, precarious and informal employment is commonplace in a sector shaped by new regulatory regimes and global manufacturing trends

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A new Five Star Boom: the 2016 Italian municipal elections

Luigi Ceccarini & Fabio Bordignon-  03 August 2016

June’s elections saw rising support for the ‘anti-establishment’ Five-Star Movement, which in the context of growing economic instability is an increasingly popular alternative to ‘mainstream politics’

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Parcel Delivery Workers and the degradation of work

Kirsty Newsome, Sian Moore & Cilla Ross -  02 August 2016

Life for voiceless, low paid parcel delivery workers exposes the harsh realities of degraded work in 21st century Britain

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‘Who dun Brexit’: ‘globalisation’ or global neoliberalism?

Tony Payne27 July 2016

Life for voiceless, low paid parcel delivery workers exposes the harsh realities of degraded work in 21st century Britain

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Modern slavery and the gendered paradoxes of labour unfreedom

Alessandra Mezzadri -  26 July 2016

Why labour unfreedom is a more useful category than modern slavery to challenge exploitative working relations at home and abroad

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Return to the Commonwealth? UK-Africa trade after Brexit

Peg Murray-Evans21 July 2016

Calls for a post-Brexit return to the Commonwealth ignore the existing privileged EU-Africa trade relationship as well as the UK’s now diminished trade influence

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When work doesn’t work

Sophie Moullin -  20 July 2016

The left’s focus on full employment fails to address the realities of work and family in the twenty-first century

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Austerity has transformed the meaning and morality of work in the UK

Craig Berry19 July 2016

Measuring economic success through levels of employment obscures the unsustainable and oppressive nature of the UK’s recovery

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It’s Independence Day – or is it? Brexit and Scottish independence

Charles Pattie -  15 July 2016

Despite a post-Brexit consensus about the UK breaking up – might the chances of Scottish independence now be reduced?

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After Brexit where next for UK employment rights?

Jason Heyes -  14 July 2016

The new Conservative government could rewrite employment rights, what happens now will depend on whether pragmatism or ideology prevails

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The Coming Crisis: we do not have much time

Andrew Gamble -  13 July 2016

The political economy problems we face are complex and loom large; new solutions are needed and time is of the essence

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Rethinking Recovery: Poverty chains and global capitalism

Benjamin Selwyn -  12 July 2016

Reorienting value generated within ‘global poverty chains’ is essential to improve the lives of an impoverished world labour force

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Why we need better central bank accountability

Jacqueline Best07 July 2016

New reforms, underpinned by three basic principles, are needed to make central banks fully accountable

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The Coming Crisis: Neoliberalism’s survival and the crisis of imagination

Craig Berry -  06 July 2016

To capitalise on the crisis and create a post-neoliberal economic order, progressives need new lenses for understanding everyday economic life

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Rethinking Recovery: Labour market exploitation and austerity in the UK

Judy Fudge -  05 July 2016

Stopping labour exploitation requires effective regulation of the labour market, not scapegoating migrant and vulnerable workers

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Breaking up is hard to do

Andrew Gamble -  04 July 2016

Early pointers to what the future may hold for post-Brexit Britain

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Rethinking Recovery: Recovery for whom?

Genevieve LeBaron -  04 July 2016

Corporate profits are soaring, but so is labour exploitation. Who is the ‘recovery’ really benefiting?

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Taking control? The trade policy consequences of Brexit

Gabriel Siles-Brügge30 June 2016

The only thing uniting the contradictory strands of the trade policy discourse for Brexit was the refrain of ‘taking control’. But in the post-Brexit landscape that will prove more difficult to achieve

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Britain and Brexit: the earthquake and its aftershocks

Simon Bulmer -  30 June 2016

Six key issues reveal the early impact of the Brexit earthquake, but this is uncharted territory and more aftershocks will follow

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From Brexit reflex to Brexistential crisis

Colin Hay -  28 June 2016

How did we get here – and where, exactly, is here?

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Brexit = austerity squared

Craig Berry -  28 June 2016

The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union is a product, ironically, of the political elite’s longstanding aversion to democratic self-rule

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Brexit and the left: heading deeper into the void?

Owen Parker -  27 June 2016

The support in traditional Labour party heartlands for leaving the EU should serve as a wake up call for the British and European left

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Tactics without strategy: Brexit and the politics of conceit

Adam Leaver -  27 June 2016

The political and economic forces unleashed by the referendum result now pose profound challenges for Leave politicians and the Labour Party

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Repost: Brexistential Crisis – what would Cassandra say?

Colin Hay -  24 June 2016

In January Colin Hay, SPERI’s co-director, predicted that Britain would vote to leave the European Union in 2016. Today as that prediction (in the manner of Cassandra) comes to pass we’re reposting Colin’s article which goes on to make two further predictions about the break-up of Britain and a second financial crisis.

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The Coming Crisis: The dangers of indecent work

Genevieve LeBaron -  22 June 2016

To prevent another economic crisis, we must address the spread and normalization of indecent work

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China and the UK’s EU membership: questions beyond the referendum

Nicole Leveringhaus -  21 June 2016

Despite the increasingly important UK-China economic ties strong Chinese opposition to ‘Brexit’ has been ignored

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Brexit, the PIIGS, and the eurozone crisis

Neil Dooley -  21 June 2016

Misleading narratives on the causes of the eurozone crisis have played into the hands of those campaigning for Brexit

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EU structural funds and the potential impact of Brexit on the North

William Vittery -  20 June 2016

With the EU providing important funding for the economic development of poorer regions, uncertainty looms for the North if Britain votes to leave

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Resisting Labour Reforms in France

Heather Connolly16 June 2016

The current industrial action will test the ‘reactionary radicalism’ of French unions and the Government’s ability to introduce reforms

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The Coming Crisis: why global governance doesn’t really work

Tony Payne -  15 June 2016

Serious problems undermine the current regime and create a significant ‘global governance deficit’

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Mortgage debt and wages: A comparison of Britain and Denmark

James Wood -  14 June 2016

Different approaches to mortgage debt may impact wages, how homeowners engage with employers and welfare services, and economic growth

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From socialising capital to socialising capitalism

Craig Berry09 June 2016

Stewart Lansley’s advocacy of the sharing economy is the right idea at the right time, but social wealth funds would be a problematic instrument

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The Coming Crisis: The migrant crisis and the future of the European project

Nicola Phillips -  08 June 2016

The economic, political and social consequences of failing to respond effectively to the migrant crisis risk accelerating European disintegration

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Authoritarian but Flexible: Turkey and recent labour market reforms

Mehmet Erman Erol -  07 June 2016

The AKP’s reforms to ‘flexibilise’ the labour market will weaken workers’ rights and further consolidate authoritarian neoliberalism in Turkey

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Rio de Janeiro beyond the Olympic Games and the Zika controversy

Giselle Datz -  03 June 2016

The real malaise of Rio is not just the Zika virus epidemic, but a fiscal and governance crisis that has engendered its own set of increasing dangers

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The Democratic primaries in the shadow of neoliberalism

David Coates 02 June 2016

The Clinton/Sanders battle exposes the challenge of the centre-left to overcome its pre-crisis accommodation with neoliberalism

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The Coming Crisis: political economy and the ‘other crisis’

Martin Craig -  01 June 2016

How we diagnose and respond to the ‘socio-ecological’ crisis is essential to our understanding of any ‘coming crisis’

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UK regions, the European Union and manufacturing exports

Craig Berry -  25 May 2016

New analysis of the trade in goods between the UK’s regions and the EU sheds new light on the potential regional implications of Brexit

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The Coming Crisis: we’re not in Kansas any more

Helen Thompson -  25 May 2016

In the surreal world of post-2008 financial markets and monetary policy ‘black swan’ events shouldn’t surprise us any more

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What next for Brazil’s healthcare experiment?

Valbona Muzaka - 24 May 2016

A return to neoliberal policies could threaten the future of universal healthcare in Brazil

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Recovery, interrupted: Iceland and the Panama Papers

Alyssa Maraj Grahame - 19 May 2016

Recent revelations have reopened an angry debate about Icelandic democracy and the links between economic and political recovery

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The Coming Crisis: systemic stabilization and the investment state

Andrew Baker & Richard Murphy - 18 May 2016

A new ‘investment state’ is needed to provide stability in the new uncertain political economy of shadow money, financial instability and demand deficiency

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Financialization of the Italian state: at what cost?

Andrea Lagna - 17 May 2016

Modern public debt management and financial innovation have exacerbated Italy’s large, and growing, government debt

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Democracy and Eurozone structural adjustment programmes

Alexandros Kyriakidis - 12 May 2016

The European Parliament’s new role in Eurozone structural adjustment programmes is institutionally ambiguous and offers only limited democratic improvement.

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The Coming Crisis: secular stagnation for the UK?

Jonathan Perraton - 11 May 2016

Current economic trends suggest the UK may need to be prepared for a period of weak, and potentially zero economic growth

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Why the ‘Panama Papers’ have everything to do with austerity

Matthias Kranke - 10 May 2016

After the mass anger caused by tax avoidance revelations we need a wide public debate about tax, better financial regulation and, above all, about austerity

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The Steel Crisis: Government, Multinationals and Regional Imbalance

Ewan Gibbs - 05 May 2016

Concerns about regional economies mean that even in an increasingly financialised and globalised steel sector the government is maintaining stewardship responsibilities

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The Coming Crisis: Is the long-predicted crisis in China finally coming?

Matt Bishop - 04 May 2016

A gathering storm is visible on the Chinese horizon, yet the country seems better prepared to ride it out than many predict

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Looking beyond the end of the Latin American Pink Tide

Adam Fishwick - 03 May 2016

Despite recent electoral defeats for the left social protest and mobilisation in Argentina suggest the Pink Tide’s decline may be overstated

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Britain and the EU referendum: a story of losing control?

Simon Bulmer - 28 April 2016

Controlling the case for Remain and unpacking the Leave arguments about regaining control are shaping up to be key deciding factors ahead of June 23rd

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The Coming Crisis: planetary instability

Peter Dauvergne - 27 April 2016

To solve the escalating environmental crisis the unsustainability of global wealth creation must be confronted, argues Peter Dauvergne in our new ‘coming crisis’ blog

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The European Union into the maelström

Pavlos Gkasis - 26 April 2016

Grexit, Brexit and the migrant crisis are putting the future of the European Union under significant and sustained pressure

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The time has come for a progressive TTIP

Ferdi De Ville & Gabriel Siles-Brügge - 25 April 2016

With mounting concern on both sides of the Atlantic that trade politics only serves the interests of the elite, the time has come to use the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to refashion the global trading regime

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Brazil on the edge: rhetoric and reality in Rousseff’s impeachment proceeding

Giselle Datz - 22 April 2016

Despite claims of a coup, Brazilian democracy has proved more resilient so far than the country’s crumbling economy

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Tax avoidance: Not illegal, just harmful and deviant?

Rowland Atkinson - 21 April 2016

The furore over tax avoidance, both by our national and international elites, reveals new social fault lines while highlighting a crisis of legitimacy to calls for togetherness and common purpose

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The Coming Crisis: the monetary policy credibility trap

Jacqueline Best - 20 April 2016

In the latest blog in SPERI’s series on ‘The Coming Crisis’ Jacqueline Best asks: what do central banks and governments do when exceptions to the monetary policy rules keep piling up?

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It’s not about tax evasion or avoidance, it’s about inequality

Allister McGregor - 19 April 2016

Focusing on politicians’ tax affairs misses the real point: the Panama Papers expose deep structural inequalities and their consequences

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Social exclusion and labour rights in the banlieues of Paris: Part II

Heather Connolly - 14 April 2016

Trade union support for undocumented migrant workers is taking place in an atmosphere of growing stigmatisation and social tension

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The Coming Crisis: enduring imbalances in the Eurozone

Scott Lavery - 13 April 2016

In the third blog in SPERI’s new series on ‘the coming crisis’ Scott Lavery examines three areas of imbalance in the Eurozone and argues that the single currency area remains vulnerable to a future economic downturn

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Lexit? Careful what you wish for…

Owen Parker - 12 April 2016

A number of voices on the British left have in recent months pushed the idea of ‘Lexit’ – a progressive position in favour of Britain leaving the EU. While their critique of the EU has merit, their solution is counterproductive

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UK tabloids and the EU referendum: giving us the facts?

Andrew Anzur Clement - 07 April 2016

The way that the tabloid press is framing the choice is preventing an informed debate on EU migration

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The Coming Crisis: stagflation and the shackles of market discipline

Jeremy Green - 06 April 2016

In the second blog in SPERI’s new series on ‘the coming crisis’ Jeremy Green assesses the prospects of unorthodox central bank policies for escaping the stagflation gripping Western capitalism

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What is money for?

Andrew Baker - 05 April 2016

To meet collective societal challenges, and to respond to future recessions, a different way of thinking about money is required

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‘I want to take you to China…’ Culture at the heart of the Northern Powerhouse

Anthony May & Annabel Kiernan - 31 March 2016

Manchester’s cultural and sporting brand is increasingly important in attracting global investment to the city

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The Coming Crisis: the gathering storm

Colin Hay - 30 March 2016

In the first of a new series of weekly SPERI blogs on ‘the coming crisis’ Colin Hay sets out the background to the series and outlines the themes it will explore

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The ongoing American housing crisis

David Coates - 29 March 2016

The US housing crisis may have slipped down the political agenda but it hasn’t gone away – and young people are being hardest hit

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How does low access to finance affect innovation?

Georgios Efthyvoulou - 24 March 2016

A major new study highlights the barriers to innovation that face firms from across Europe

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Plotting against the NHS

Tony Payne - 23 March 2016

A closely interconnected health policy community in Britain has grabbed control of the agenda and seeks to make further marketisation of healthcare the only possible option

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Re-framing the funding crisis in adult residential care

Diane Burns & Joe Earle - 22 March 2016

New ‘follow the money’ research investigates where the money paid to financialised care home chains goes

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Energy Policy and the tensions between austerity and localism

Jon Morris - 17 March 2016

Schemes to reduce energy use show how local authorities are caught between devolved responsibilities and centralised resources

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Talking the politics of welfare

Liam Stanley - 16 March 2016

More and more evidence shows that it matters considerably that British governments have lately been deploying the word ‘welfare’ in an official capacity

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Why Labour is losing: a response to O’Hara and Pye

Patrick Diamond - 15 March 2016

Corbyn’s ascendance has compounded Labour’s electoral difficulties, but it didn’t create the problem

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The making of the modern ‘Debt State’

Sandy Brian Hager - 10 March 2016

What we know (and don’t know) about ownership of public debt

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Failures and fiascos in public sector outsourcing: will governments never learn?

Heather Connolly - 09 March 2016

A review of What a Waste: Outsourcing and how it goes wrong

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From Cradle to the Grave? The decline of UK funeral policy provision

Liam Foster - 08 March 2016

The Conservative Government will face considerable challenges as people are unable to meet rising funeral costs

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George Osborne, banks and the turning tide of regulation in the UK

Adam Barber - 03 March 2016

The mood music being played to the City by the majority Conservative government has been quietly but deliberately changed since May 2015

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Labour and 2020 – looking forward, not back

Robbie Pye - 02 March 2016

The current polls are poor but electoral success will rely on a mass mobilisation campaign and increasing voter turnout

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Reconstituting the post-crisis real estate-finance link in Ireland, Spain & the US

Desiree Fields - 01 March 2016

The mortgage-led crisis has led to the financialization of rental housing – and new social struggles

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The real ‘new politics’ of post-crisis Britain: Part II

Craig Berry - 25 February 2016

Austerity is anchored in a new politics of place, but Labour is adrift

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Property taxes, public services and wealth

Tom Goodfellow - 24 February 2016

Placing property taxation, redistribution and social justice in an ethical context

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Key questions for the coming EU referendum

Simon Bulmer - 23 February 2016

We now have a date but there are plenty of big questions and unknown steps between now and 23rd June

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Corbyn and the Labour Party – taking the longer view?

Glen O'Hara - 17 February 2016

Historic polling comparisons highlight the party’s challenges ahead of 2020

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This is Britain 80-82: Thatcher and understanding modern politics

Kate Dommett - 16 February 2016

A full understanding of Thatcher’s legacy arguably needs more than just 3 years

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Inequality knows no compass points

Neil McInroy & Matthew Jackson - 11 February 2016

The North/South divide is not the problem. Economic centralism is

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Growing the economy from the middle out

Rachel Laurence - 10 February 2016

A new growth model must place individual livelihoods at the heart of our regional economic strategy

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Organising metaphors and austerity: what the left can learn

Adam Leaver - 09 February 2016

Progressives need to think differently about political narrative to shape the political agenda to their advantage

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The ‘Devolution Revolution’

Simon Lee - 04 February 2016

Governance of the North shouldn’t be reduced to technocratic questions or administering Osborne’s fiscal plans

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A book of brilliant things?

Stephen Farrall - 03 February 2016

A review of Andy Beckett’s ‘Promised You a Miracle: UK80-82’

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How sustainable are the Anglo-American recoveries?

Jeremy Green - 02 February 2016

While both countries have experienced comparatively strong growth, divergence on the current account ensures that the UK’s situation looks much more perilous

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The uneven path of City Deal devolution in the North of England

Arianna Giovannini - 28 January 2016

The view from Yorkshire reveals growing tension and rising pressures from below

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The politics and political economy of Greater Manchester

Georgina Blakeley & Brendan Evans - 26 January 2016

The 2014 Agreement may be flawed, but it is the latest step in a long journey to increase the city-region’s economic and political leverage

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What would Cassandra say?

Colin Hay - 21 January 2016

Prediction in politics and political economy is perilous, but has value in warning of outcomes that could still be avoided by political agency

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Spanish politics in major flux

Owen Parker - 20 January 2016

Two recent events will complicate and shape Spanish politics in the coming year, with broader implications for Europe and its political economy

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The new view from The Bridge

Ben Rosamond & Holly Snaith - 19 January 2016

Re-bordering is emerging in Scandinavia in one of the most symbolically borderless regions in Europe

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The government is right on pensioner protection – but for the wrong reasons

Craig Berry - 14 January 2016

Critics of the protection of pensioner benefit entitlements are playing into George Osborne’s hands

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Ducking uncertainty: the EU’s regulation of the repo market

Andrew Johnston - 12 January 2016

Policymakers are still operating in a liberal market paradigm that sees market failure as exceptional, regulatory intervention as costly and uncertainty as quantifiable risk

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Working-class anger and the problem of progressive politics

David Coates - 07 January 2016

The only effective answer to right-wing populism is the creation and deployment of a superior left-wing alternative

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A letter from Lesvos

Dimitris Ballas - 06 January 2016

The inspiring humanity of many ordinary European citizens in the face of the refugee crisis contrasts shockingly with the limited actions of European governments

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Facing up to the impending UK referendum on the European Union

Tony Payne - 05 January 2016

The best way to counter the threat constituted by the referendum is to show that the EU can be remade to work better in the democratic service of its citizens

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