Helen Thompson

Honorary Research Fellow, SPERI, Professor in Political Economy, University of Cambridge

The unintended euro and the problem of Italy

Helen Thompson - 30 November 2018

The fate of Italy will determine what kind of monetary union, and with which member-states, can survive.

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Trump, the Russia sanctions and Europe’s energy future

Helen Thompson - 24 August 2017

The significant deterioration in US-Russia relations and new sanctions could profoundly impact the EU and its energy needs

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2016 and the return of the nation-state

Helen Thompson  - 21 December 2016

Whilst the turbulence of this year has caused political shocks the apparent resurgence of the nation-state should be no surprise

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The Coming Crisis: we’re not in Kansas any more

Helen Thompson -  25 May 2016

In the surreal world of post-2008 financial markets and monetary policy ‘black swan’ events shouldn’t surprise us any more

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The dirty little secret of the euro zone crisis: the German banks

Helen Thompson - 11 November 2013

Germany’s response to the crisis reflects its commitment to protect its own banks

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The UK’s very dangerous banks

Helen Thompson - 07 May 2013

Banks are being asked to lead the recovery despite the fact that they continue to pose the biggest single threat to the British economy

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