Owen Parker

Associate Fellow, SPERI, & Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Sheffield

COVID19 and the EU: crisis too far or transformative moment?

Owen Parker - 20 April 2020

Will the covid-19 pandemic prompt the EU to take the decisive integrative steps that it failed to take in the context of the Eurozone crisis? Or will this be a crisis too far?

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Post-election reflections on the Labour Party: Part 2

Owen Parker - 24 December 2019

Whatever it does moving forwards, Labour must continue to reject the neoliberalism of the New and the nativism of the Blue.

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Post-election reflections on the Labour Party: Part 1

Owen Parker - 20 December 2019

Whatever the future holds Labour should beware both the New and the Blue.

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Book review: Race and the Undeserving Poor

Owen Parker - 17 September 2018

Robbie Shilliam’s brilliant book highlights the historical importance of race in social and welfare policy in Britain and in so doing makes a crucial and timely intervention into contemporary progressive debate

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Book review: Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union

Owen Parker - 24 July 2018

Harold D. Clarke, Matthew Goodwin and Paul Whiteley’s new book provides a nuanced picture of why people voted as they did in 2016

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The Labour Party’s free movement dilemma

Owen Parker - 31 July 2017

There are good pragmatic and principled reasons for the Labour Party to reverse its opposition to the free movement of EU citizens

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The political economy of the White Paper on The Future of Europe: Part Two

Owen Parker - 22 March 2017

The Commission’s White Paper understates both the depth of the crisis associated with the EU status quo and what needs to be done about it

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The political economy of the White Paper on the Future of Europe: Part One

Owen Parker - 21 March 2017

The Commission’s new White Paper offers some interesting post-Brexit scenarios for ‘the future of Europe’, but realising any of these will be difficult in a context of political divisions among the remaining 27 states

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Brexit and the left: heading deeper into the void?

Owen Parker -  27 June 2016

The support in traditional Labour party heartlands for leaving the EU should serve as a wake up call for the British and European left

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Lexit? Careful what you wish for…

Owen Parker - 12 April 2016

A number of voices on the British left have in recent months pushed the idea of ‘Lexit’ – a progressive position in favour of Britain leaving the EU. While their critique of the EU has merit, their solution is counterproductive

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Spanish politics in major flux

Owen Parker - 20 January 2016

Two recent events will complicate and shape Spanish politics in the coming year, with broader implications for Europe and its political economy

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The self-protection of European society (inside and outside the EU)

Owen Parker - 24 September 2015

Growing political turmoil in Greece, Spain and Turkey could be a precursor to a Polanyian ‘great transformation’ away from neoliberalism

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Fundamental rights and neoliberalism in Crisis Spain (and Crisis EU)

Owen Parker - 25 July 2015

The gap between rhetoric and reality with regard to transport investment in the North of England encapsulates all the problems of Northern economic development

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Dilemmas for the left on EU citizenship

Owen Parker - 25 November 2014

The Conservative agenda on pension investments is inherently shallow and increasingly moralistic in tone

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Citizenship for sale?

Owen Parker - 04 September 2014

Individual investor programmes in Europe raise huge questions about citizenship and borders in a globalising world

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Everyday life in crisis Spain: are we all Roma now?

Owen Parker  - 01 October 2013

As the hardships of life touch more and more sectors of Spanish society, so new forms of resistance are spreading too

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Why entrepreneurs will not save the world

Owen Parker - 30 May 2013

Governments have championed ‘entrepreneurs’ as figures capable of reviving stagnant economies and alleviating social problems. But who are they, and are they worth celebrating?

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