Election 2015: not a good one to win … but too important to lose

04 March 2015 

Colin Hay  - Director of SPERI

In these circumstances there is no good excuse for not voting, and for not voting extremely wisely

Winning elections in Britain is becoming ever more of a poison chalice.  It does not take a great deal of hindsight to see that neither 2005 nor 2010 were especially good to win.  As many saw even at the time, 2005 was the beginning of the end for the Anglo-liberal growth model.  The crisis, in other words, was on the horizon and it is never good to be at the helm when the ship goes down.  And 2010 was arguably worse.  What was being contested was the chance to preside over swingeing austerity in the absence of an alternative to the growth model that had precipitated the crisis.

Today it is tempting to suggest that the sequence continues.  For, on the face of it, 2015 does not look like a good election to win either.  Britain’s return to growth is, alas, likely to prove something of a chimera; no party seems to be offering an alternative growth model and the slow death by cuts of the austerity which has haunted the Coalition has largely been postponed – to be resumed under the watchful gaze of the next incumbent of Number 10.  Worst still, the Eurozone (Britain’s principal export market) continues to be mired in a crisis that could still turn nastier with consequences which would prove rapidly contagious to Britain.  Put differently, the most closely and intensely contested election in recent years will be fought over the opportunity to preside over the shrinking of the British state to levels not previously experienced since the 1930s – and in a context of already unprecedented inequality, under the shadow of a deepening Eurozone crisis and with the prospect of mounting environmental degradation.  Put like that, one might understand the temptation to pass.

But we cannot afford the luxury of such an argument.  Indeed, however appealing the logic, the argument was probably wrong in 2005 and 2010 too.  But it is even more wrong today.  2015 is, quite simply, too important an election to lose.  By the end of the parliamentary term that it will define Britain could be out of the EU, precariously positioned in an aspirational Anglosphere largely of its own fanciful imagination and perhaps even well on its way to a fractious disintegration – the nightmare scenario of ‘Br-exit’ and ‘Br-eakup’.  The stakes, then, could scarcely be higher.  Yet there is, of course, a certain irony here.  The stakes should arguably be higher still.  For, despite our precarious economic plight, it seems that all of the principal contenders for office will present to the electorate in May their own variant of plan A – there is no plan B in sight.  And the simple problem is that, without a plan B, it will prove very difficult to deliver the kind of sustained growth necessary to offset the ‘feel bad factor’ of seemingly endless austerity.  In short, the governing competence and political legitimacy of any minority or coalition government is likely to be sorely tried.

This brings us to the second factor that makes this an unprecedented election.  For, two months out, it remains almost certainly the most unpredictable British general election in the post-war period and arguably since the 1832 Reform Act.

What makes it so and what is at stake?  Five brief points might usefully be made (although each of course warrants far more detailed consideration).

As this suggests, the 2015 General Election, even though it might not be a good one to win, is simply too important to lose.  By the same token, it is also an election in which it is too important not to vote.  The logic of Russell Brand’s rejection of formal politics is understandable.  But, when one considers what is at stake on May 7th, one can only hope that it is resisted – most of all by the victims of austerity, the poor, the young and the disenfranchised.  They have even more to lose than the rest of us.  In the 2015 British general election there is no good excuse for not voting – and no good excuse for not voting extremely wisely.

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